Eucharist from the Car


On Sunday, April 26 we will offer communion in our church parking lot at 2385 Park Avenue, Bridgeport. Our hope is that in a time of social distancing we can combat the anxiety of isolation with the presence of Christ.

Because the Eucharist is vital to the Body of Christ we are making every effort to receive this grace. As we gather online to worship God, we will share communion together creatively, cautiously, reverently, and unafraid. Plus it will give us all a reason to get out of the house and take a drive.

To be as careful as possible We will receive communion through the bread (wafer) only. Please be assured that receiving communion in one kind is understood by the Church to be full reception of Holy Communion.

Communion at home achieves several valued things:
• Each family and household can receive communion in the context of a shared, corporate worship service from their cars after participating in worship through our online service.
• We are following through with Anglican theology concerning the consecration of the Eucharist and the role of the priest in overseeing and consecrating communion. Brian consecrated the wine, which remains sealed, and wafers following the service a couple of weeks ago.
• We are participating in a corporate liturgy and coming to the communion table as the Body of Christ even in the parking lot.
• We are unified in the Spirit and in taking the Sacrament even as we are practicing social distancing and sheltering in place.

There are a few things to consider and remember:
• As Anglicans we believe that the Eucharist is to be served in the context of a shared worship serve. Therefore, please plan to attend the service online before making your way to the church parking lot.
• We will be offering communion for one hour after the online service concludes.
• For those who live farther away, we’ll happily stay longer if needed. Please let Jane know ahead of time that you plan to come partake.
• Jan and Brian will be wearing masks, handling the elements cautiously, sanitizing our hands and the vessels in the time between serving communion to each car, and keeping everything sealed and packaged for as long as possible.
• Come into the parking lot using the furthest entrance closest to Brooklawn Avenue and furthest from the main doors. Proceed to the area outside our sanctuary emergency exit (you will see the table), receive communion, and exit From the Capitol Ave side of the parking lot nearest the main doors. We will have signs and people to help direct you.